Friday, February 6, 2009

My Point Is.....

Ever come across a situation when you're trying to explain something to someone but somehow it's just... not the same? Maybe it's a mistake, or some object, or a feeling. Did you wish that they would just get it? Everyone years for someone that would simply see it their way.

....there is.

Reason #3288313 why I adore my Savior: He understands.
No matter what situation I'm in, no matter how stressed or tired or enraged I am, He listens. He neither interrupts, nor leaves, nor tires. I remember one afternoon when I was sketching, out of frustration, God whispered something to me softly, "I am with you, child." If there was someone sitting next to me, they would not have heard it, but to I, who was spoken to, it was clear as crystal. Tears dampened my eyes-- I wasn't alone. I had never been alone. God knows me inside and out. He knows me more than my boyfriend, more than my best friend, more than my parents, more than I know myself.

He doesn't just know at what minute of what day of what year I said my first word, or when I took my first step towards Him, or when I first discovered the passions He placed in my heart, but He knows where it's all headed. He's not some super computer that stores up the world's information and secrets. A computer can't make novel decisions, a computer can't Love, a computer can't stay with you through thick and through thin. No object or person on this earth can satisfy the hunger for a True Listener, Comforter, or Lover.

God-- constant, never changing, ever present. I live by Him, my life is measured by Him, I base my life around Him.

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